Introducing Booksource Comprehensive Classsroom Libraries

Each grade level library is comprised of several individual collections, which may also be purchased separately. We’ll make any substitutions necessary to meet your specific needs, and you can always see full title lists before you buy.

Why Choose a Booksource Comprehensive Classroom Library?

We’ve been building classroom libraries for over 30 years. Now, we’ve combined our literacy expertise with our deep knowledge of children’s literature to curate our largest, most robust classroom libraries yet—designed specifically to support comprehensive balanced literacy instruction. Highlights include:

  • A rich and diverse selection of the best children’s literature, targeted to the grade level you teach.
  • More books for your money—grade level libraries feature between 700 and 1,700 titles.
  • Full title lists are available for EVERY collection at EVERY grade level.
  • It’s easy to swap out titles you already have or make substitutions based on the needs of your students.
  • We’ll customize ANYTHING!
  • 25% Discount

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